Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas within the States

BLM Claims Automatic Consent to Acquire Private Lands in Colorado
BLM Claims Automatic Consent to Acquire Private Lands in Colorado

USFS prepares to turn all National Forests into a Federal Enclave
Forest Service (USFS) prepares to turn all National Forests into de facto federal enclaves.

Complaints Filed with Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Against the BLM Have Been Ignored
In 2022 the following complaint was filed with the DOJ, DOI, BLM Colorado State Director, BLM Utah State Director, Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, and Colorado Attorney General Phil Wier. The complaint was registered on the following websites:...

AGNC Updated Jurisdiction Resolution 10.19.22
AGNC RESOLUTION # DEFINING LEGISLATIVE JURISDICTION AND AUTHORITY ON FEDERAL LANDS WHEREAS, Legislative jurisdiction is the constitutional authority to make and enforce laws. A transfer of the state’s legislative jurisdiction to the...

Legislative Jurisdiction Resolution for a County with Federal Lands
https://publiclandjurisdiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/4.18.22-AGNC-JURISDICTION-RESOLUTION-draft.pdf RESOLUTION # _______________ DEFINING LEGISLATIVE JURISDICTION AND AUTHORITY ON FEDERAL LANDS WHEREAS, Legislative jurisdiction is the constitutional...

“Conservation” Groups PERC, WLA, RMFM, UFM, Work to Bypass the Rule of Law Out West, RS 2477

Washington DC Cannot Become the 51st State per the Jurisdiction Clause
Yesterday the US House passed The Washington, DC Admission Act (H.R. 51) which would make the most populated federal enclave the 51st state if it passes the Senate. Some people that live in DC say they lack representation because they are not part of a State. In...

Has the BLM Turned Federally Managed Public Lands Into an Unconstitutional Federal Enclave?
Has the BLM Turned Federally Managed Public Lands Into an Unconstitutional Federal Enclave?

Review of Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) 2008 Jurisdiction Podcast
Review of Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) 2008 Jurisdiction Podcast

SB 14-077, Colorado Proposes Illegal Retrocession and Nearly Turns all 24 Million Acres of Federal Lands in the State into a Federal Enclave
Colorado proposes illegal retrocession of jurisdiction on federal lands

Public Land Jurisdiction web site dedication
The PLJ web site is dedicated to helping educate the general public and elected representatives across the United States regarding legislative jurisdiction on federally managed public lands. This topic is considered “controversial” by some representatives in western states. Jurisdiction on federal lands is not controversial, its 100% documented and completely verifiable. The last Inventory Report on Jurisdictional Status of Federal Areas within the States was in 1962. It was the only federal inventory report ever procured and we all should be thanking President Eisenhower for the report.
By educating state and local officials it will ultimately help all who recreate on our wonderful federally managed public lands.