Colorado Hunting and Tag Allocation

Sign the Petition, CPW Staff Admits Fake Big Game Caps Provide $4.2 Million at Expense of 6,510 Colorado Residents Hunters
The Colorado Resident Hunter Association has started up a petition to urge CPW Commissioners to move forward with the Draw Process Working Groups recommendation to end SOFT CAPS and have Colorado tag allocation caps apply to all 4 choices in the Colorado...

CPW Director Committed to Serve Nonresident Hunters / Petition Filed to Repeal a CPW Commission Conflict of Interest Policy.
CPW Director Jeff Davis declares they must treat nonresident hunters equal to resident hunters. CPW no longer serves Residents of the state with priority of state resources.

CPW Votes to Choke Out Colorado Resident Hunters as Nonresident Elk Apps surge by 45,000
Resident Youth in the Colorado Limited Elk Draw– are drawing 3,346 fewer elk tags than they were 9 years ago! That’s a loss of 37%. Residents (adults) are drawing 17,248 fewer Limited Elk Tags in Colorado than they were 9 years ago. That’s a loss of 23%. Nonresident limited elk applicants have surged by nearly 45,000 in Colorado since 2015 (up 55%). Up 9,000 in the past year. No state treats resident hunters worse than Colorado.

Colorado’s Fake Big Game Tag Allocation Caps, Stealing Resident License Equity
Colorado’s Fake Big Game Tag Allocation Caps, Stealing Resident License Equity. The average Western state has a 90/10 big game tag allocation split for resident / nonresident hunters on all limited licenses. 90% of the elk, deer, and pronghorn licenses go to the residents of the average western state and only 10% are reserved for the visiting nonresidents.

Nonresident Elk Draw Odds in Western States (AZ), Trophy Tags are just 100 Years Out
Arizona elk and pronghorn license draw odds in 2023 and 2024, the process to draw a trophy tag takes 100 years on average.

BLM Claims Automatic Consent to Acquire Private Lands in Colorado
BLM Claims Automatic Consent to Acquire Private Lands in Colorado

USFS prepares to turn all National Forests into a Federal Enclave
Forest Service (USFS) prepares to turn all National Forests into de facto federal enclaves.

Colorado Sells More Nonresident Elk Tags than all Seven Western States Combined
Colorado Sells More Nonresident Elk Tags than all Seven Western States Combined. No state treats resident hunters worse than Colorado.

CPW Report reveals 54% of OTC elk hunters are Nonresidents, Colorado Resident Hunters on Decline from Non Resident Overcrowding
More nonresident elk hunters in Colorado than resident hunters.

Colorado Petition to Save Over-the-Counter OTC Elk Hunting for Residents Only
The Facebook Group Colorado Resident Hunter Association has launched a petition to save OTC elk hunting (archery and rifle) for residents only. They are trying to restore equity in tag allocation and address the overcrowding on Colorado public land hunting. This...

Public Land Jurisdiction web site dedication
The PLJ web site is dedicated to helping educate the general public and elected representatives across the United States regarding legislative jurisdiction on federally managed public lands. This topic is considered “controversial” by some representatives in western states. Jurisdiction on federal lands is not controversial, its 100% documented and completely verifiable. The last Inventory Report on Jurisdictional Status of Federal Areas within the States was in 1962. It was the only federal inventory report ever procured and we all should be thanking President Eisenhower for the report.
By educating state and local officials it will ultimately help all who recreate on our wonderful federally managed public lands.